
Obsidian Institute of Integrative Medicine is located in Homewood, IL. At Obsidian Holistic we work from a relational and cultural lense because the people you engage with on a daily basis affect the lense through which you view your world. Those lenses can diminish your ability to cope and form new, stable, and healthy connections, continuing to utilize unhealthy means of solving your dilemmas. The goal of therapy is to guide you in using your innate abilities to develop healthier lenses to view the world and healthy coping mechanisms. Some of our therapists are licensed in IN as well, but currently we only accept IL insurance, so if you have IL insurance, but live in IN, we can assist you.

Issues we work with:

Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Grief, LGBTQ+ issues, Premarital counseling, Trauma/PTSD, Substance Abuse, DUI, Co-occurring disorders, Stress Management, Boundary work, Attachment issues, Infidelity, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Suicidality, and many more issues that can be discussed upon intake.

Mental Health and Wellness Services:

Individual Therapy, Substance Abuse Counseling, Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki, Vibration therapy, Crystal Work, Shadow Work, Retreats, Events, and Classes.

We have 4 therapists and 2 coaches available, and 3 interns available, seeing clients age 7 yo and older (Enchelle/13+, Diamond/7+, Deborah/18+, Martha (adaptive learning only). Erica facilitates groups, workshops, and CEU classes.

We also have Masters and Doctorate level intern practitioners: Marques/13+, Debria/6-18yo, Kalyna/18+, couples, and families, Terrance/7+, who you can work with. The costs range from $15 - $40. Inability to pay does not bar you from being able to attain services.

Practice Details
  • Street Address
    930 175th St, 1E
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • State of Practice
    Illinois, Indiana
  • Describe Your Practice
    Online and In-Office
  • Hours of Service
    Daytime (9a - 5p), Evening (after 5p), Weekend (Sat/Sun)
  • Accepting New Clients
  • Virtual Therapy
  • Prescribes Medication
  • My Website
  • Group Therapy Available